Worker Exposure to Flame Retardants Study Released

Thank you to Anchor Insulation for assisting the CDC by participating in the NIOSH Flame Retardants Study.

From Chris King, M.S. OSH, Director of Safety, Anchor Insulation

All, below is a link for a paper titled, Worker exposure to flame retardants in manufacturing, construction and service industries just published by NIOSH/CDC. Anchor Insulation participated in this study, particular to Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation installation. Although not stated in paper, informal discussion with the authors indicate that the PPE currently utilized by Anchor’s Spray Foam workers consisting of non-permeable tyvec (with booties and hoodies), nitrile gloves, and supplied air respirators are effective in protecting workers against flame retardant components used in SPF. Another reason to engage in industry best practices as identified by the Spray Polyurethane Foam Association.

Link to the paper is here.

February Meeting

From Bob Kunz:


I don’t know about you, but I really enjoyed the unseasonably warm January.  And, to only have to handle 4 inches of snow was a real pleasure.  We have a fantastic lineup for our February meeting, as follows: 

Tom Wojick, founder and President of The Renewal Group, will be presenting ”Think – Feel – Act Your Way to a Safer Organization”.  This presentation is certain to move you in so many ways.

This month’s meeting is sponsored by the RIAGC.

We look forward to spending tome with you.  Remember to bring a friend and story….