November Meeting Announcement

The next SAFER meeting is this Wednesday, November 5, 2014 from 8 to 10am at NEIT.


Personal Protection Equipment Utilization: “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.”

We have all seen the outrageous images of a worker with a square of foam in lieu of a hard hat, with a sheet of newsprint used in lieu of an appropriately shaded face shield, or inverted bucket in lieu of motorcycle helmet.  In a moment, without much consideration, the use of these materials can be determined to be inappropriate.

Why then, in a market were appropriate PPE (and instructions for use) are readily available do we find misapplication (and even non-use).

The group will exam ways to improve PPE utilization through an interactive discussion.  OSHA has provided useful resource information – see OSHA PPE SLTC, which includes among other resources: eLCOSH PPE Training Guide.

LESSONS LEARNED: Jason Berard of ORCPG we share a lessons learned with the group.

SPONSOR: Old Republic Construction Program Group (ORCPG)

Drive Safely Work Week 2014

Thank you to Maryann for providing the following:

From Joseph McKillips, Chairperson, NETS Board of Directors:

“This year marks the 18th year of the DSWW campaign sponsored annually by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS.)

It is often said that a strong corporate or organizational safety culture is a journey, not a destination. With that in mind, this year’s DSWW campaign materials are designed to make the case for integrating elements of safe driving into an organization’s core safety culture. Nearly everyone drives—whether for work, commuting to and from work or tending to daily errands outside of work. Regardless of the reason for the trip, time spent behind the wheel is very likely the most dangerous part of an employee’s day.

If your safety programs don’t currently integrate policies, procedures, communication tools and/or practices related to safe driving for all employees, DSWW could be your opportunity to introduce these concepts. If you already have programs in place, it’s a great time to repeat, reinforce and maybe even rethink your safety communications as they relate to driving.

We invite you to share these materials with your organization’s executive leadership. Whether through video messages, town hall meetings or letters to employees, it is our hope they will consider getting involved and use the ideas in this year’s DSWW tool kit to emphasize the importance of road safety for all employees – during the campaign week, and throughout the year.

Thank you for downloading the Drive Safely Work Week tool kit. Working together, we can reduce the number of traffic crashes that impact our workforce, members of our families and the communities in which we all work and live.

Wishing you safe travels,

Joseph McKillips

Sr. Manager, Commercial Program Support, Global Environment, Health, and Safety
Chairperson, NETS Board of Directors”

Visit the website for more information….

October’s Meeting Held

The first meeting of the 2014/15 year was held October 1, 2014. The topic was “Boots on the Ground: “Hazard Identification and Mitigation.” Thank you to Sam Brusco, of Brusco Design & Renovation, for his table top exercise, and Joseph Werbicki, M.S., CSP, Safety and Health Consultant, for his presentation on individual safe behavior. SAFER would also like to thank Ocean State Risk Management (OSRM) for sponsoring a Continental Breakfast and NEIT for sponsoring the meeting place.

For those who missed it the following link is for the BTEA Newsletter that was passed around.