January Meeting Announcement

The January 2018 SAFER meeting will be held on 1/3/2018 from 8am-10am in Dimeo’s meeting room located at 780 Allens Avenue, Providence, RI 02905.

The meeting will include the following:

8:00 am Introduction – Bob Kunz

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction
  • Guest
  • New Members
  • What’s new
  • Building SAFER in RI website update

8:15 am  “Jane’s Wellness Tips”

8:30 am Silica – Lisa Sullivan OSHA Region 1 Coordinator

10:00 am End

Note: Space is limited to 40 persons. Please RSVP to Bob Kunz.

December’s Meeting Announcement

The next SAFER meeting is December 6, 2017 8:00 – 10:00 AM. The main topic is “Meet and Greet with OSHA Providence Area Office and Region 1 Administrator Galen Blanton”.

NOTE: Venue change for this month: The location for this meeting is Dimeo Construction Company Training Facility 780 Allens Avenue, Providence, RI 02905.

The December meeting will include the following:

8:00 am

Bob Kunz
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction – Bob Sestito, Assistant Area Director Providence Office
Guest introductions
New members
What’s new
Building SAFER in RI website update

8:15 am

“Jane’s Wellness Tips”

8:30 am

Silica There has to be something that you want to talk about – right”?

Blue Sky roundtable
Lesson learned
Looking for an answer – now is time to ask…
Anything else you care to share

9:00 am

Galen Blanton, Region 1 Administrator

10:00 am


November’s Meeting

The meeting will be held at New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) 2490 Post Road, Warwick, RI 2nd Floor Hall of Fame Room from 8AM-10AM. Continental breakfast served at 7:30 AM. Hope to see you there.

From Bob Kunz:


We hope that you weathered  the high winds without incident last night – I had to dodge a few branches and trash cans on the way to the office.

We have a great line-up for the November meeting, as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jane’s Wellness tip for the month
  3. OSHA Silica Standard 29 CFR 1926.1153 Update
    1. On Oct 19, 2017 OSHA issued interim compliance directive – see link: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=INTERPRETATIONS&p_id=31349
    2. OSHA ID142 – Know what to expect – see link: https://www.osha.gov/dts/sltc/methods/inorganic/id142/id142.pdf
    3. Objective data (OD) – many power tool manufacturers are providing OD – but does it meet the standard? And, how do you apply it?
    4. Sweeping compound
  4. Brain Injury Association of RI
  5. Lesson Learned
    1. Cranes and the FAA